Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Q U I C K I E S ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Quickies Gets Corn-y!
Jac Jemc
Zach Dodson
Steve Tartaglione
Kyle Beachy
Anthony Luebbert
Aaron Burch
Adam Novy
Amy Butcher
Jill Summers
and Roxane Gay
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
QUICKIES! Hosts the Fiction at Work Anthology Release Party!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Open up and say AHHHHHHHH
7:30 pm
The Innertown Pub
Amelia Gray
Simon Smith
Steve Tartaglione
Allison Gruber
Lauryn Allison Lewis
Anthony Luebbert
Stephen Tully Dierks
Natalie Edwards
and Samantha Irby
Monday, October 25, 2010
It's good to be back
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Rose Metal Press: Fifth Annual Short Short Chapbook Contest!
Rose Metal Press's Fifth Annual Short Short Chapbook Contest submission period begins October 15 and ends December 1, 2010. The 2010 judge will be Kim Chinquee. Our very own Mary Hamilton won last year's contest, so this is one dear to our hearts! Submit, submit, submit and best of luck to all!
Further info from Rose Metal Press:
During the submission period, please email your 25–40 page double-spaced manuscript of short short stories under 1,000 words each to us at rosemetalpress@gmail.com either as Word docs or rtf files. Individual stories may have appeared in journals or anthologies, but we ask that collections as a whole be previously unpublished. Please accompany your entry with the $10 reading fee, either via the payment button on our website or by check. We
prefer the former, but the latter can be sent to PO Box 1956, Brookline, MA 02446.
Writers of both fiction and nonfiction are encouraged to enter, and we are open to short shorts on all subjects and in all styles.
Winner and finalists will be announced by February 2011. The winning chapbook will be published in July 2011 in a limited edition of 300 copies, with an introduction by the contest judge.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Sh-sh-sh-sh-shake your money maker
Zach Dodson is the co-founder of Featherproof Books and the author of Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring
Jac Jemc's chapbook, This Stranger She'd Invited In, is due out from Greying Ghost Press later this year and her first novel, My Only Wife, is forthcoming from Dzanc Books in 2012. She blogs regularly at jacjemc.wordpress.com.
Margaret Chapman is a writer and teacher currently residing in South Bend, IN. Her work has appeared in diagram, decomp, the2ndhand, elimae and as a featherproof minibook. According to I Write Like, she write like Steven King.
and our mascots Brandon Will and Tobias Amadon Bengelsdorf!!!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Scenes from the Quickies! The Gathering Midwest Tour
Quickies! The Gathering was pretty great. I think we all respect, hate, and love each other a million times more than we did before. Thanks to everyone who came out to see us read - we hope you were entertained/enlightened/aroused.
Here are some images from the tour. Enjoy!
It was awesome. Ask us about Iowa City.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Can't be tamed
Jill's work can be heard with increasing infrequency on Chicago Public Radio and has appeared in Stop Smiling, Ninth Letter, VAIN, and MAKE magazines among others. She is one of the organizers of and hopes everyone will attend the 6th annual Printers' Ball, upcoming on July 30. You can find her online at www.callingallmonkeys.com.
Elizabeth Ellen is the author of Before You She Was a Pit Bull (Future Tense) and Sixteen Miles Outside of Phoenix (Rose Metal Press). She lives in Ann Arbor where she runs the Great Lakes, Great Times reading series.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
The May Quickies! was a hell of a show, Dad. Hell of a show!

All the readers had the place giggling and sometimes guffawing. Thanks to these great writers for participating!
See you July 13!!