Monday, January 19, 2009

Lit Gangs of Chicago Rec Room Reading at the MCA!


"So Help Me God

"curated by Erin Teegarden

"Rec room returns to the MCA for its Literary Gangs of Chicago series. Since this event takes place on Inauguration Day, we solemnly swear to focus our readings and performance on oaths, promises, commitments, and initiations."

Featuring Allison Gruber, Carl Marcum, M. Eliza Hamilton Abegunde, Eric Elshtain, ERIN HELLAH TEEGARDEN, MARY FUCKING HAMILTON, Jason Bredle, Krista Franklin, Miki Howals, KYLE SHITYEAH BEACHY, NICOLETTE HONEYASS BOND, Matthias Regan, and Pat Babbitt & Lindsey Fisher.

Tuesday, January 20, 6:30 p.m., Puck's Restaurant at the MCA. It's gonna be good!

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