It was a grand August Quickies!, what with our dear mascot being recognized and all the previously-unknown-to-us contest winners kicking ass and bringing in new audience members. Two of our winners don't even live in Chicago, or even in the same time zone, but were able to make the trip to read!
First, our amazing contest winners (plus Mary):
After our contest winners, we brought out Toby Bengelsdorf, Quickies! mascot, Fiction at Work editor-in-chief, and author of An Implausibility of Gnus (out now on Another New Calligraphy! $8! So affordable!):
Thanks to all the contest winners - you were beyond and we are so thrilled to have you as part of the Quickies! family! And thanks to Toby for being a great mascot and not minding when we embarrass him (cough at every single reading cough).
See you in September!