Tim Hall is a graduate of Paul D. Schreiber High School. Read more about him at timhallbooks.com
Unlike Randy Newman, Rory Jobst loves short people. Earl Boykins, Toulouse-Lautrec, Alan Ladd, and Michael J. Fox all make him smile. In honor of his favorite height of people, Rory has devoted his life to writing short fiction, poetry, and plays. His short work has been seen in places like the Acme Arts Works, the Lunar Cabaret, and Prop Thtr and read in places like fictionatwork, Spoke, and yellow legal pad at the bottom of his NPR tote bag. Listen to him intermittent Mondays on DVD Geeks at Fearlessradio.com.
TIM RACINETim Racine is a serious writer that writes serious works (completely false) and a super-awesome hype-man for a hip-hop group (completely true). Stalkers can visit:
www.timracine.comSimon A. Smith lives in Lincoln Square with his wife and a murderous orange tabby named Cheever. He does not live with a flat screen TV, a couch manufactured after 1975 or adult window treatment. His fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Hobart, Quick Fiction, Monkeybicycle, Opium, PANK, Bound Off, Dogzplot and a few others. He turned 30 a few weeks ago and is dealing with it... although not particularly well.
Tuesday, November 10
The Innertown Pub