Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
BBQ! Dollar Store! Hideout!
The Dollar Store Tour kicks off today with a BBQ/reading/improv show at the Hideout from 1-6 p.m. If you like food and being amused, this your shit.
Readings by: Tobias Amadon Bengelsdorf, Chris Bower, Aaron Burch, Elizabeth Crane, Zach Dodson, Natalie Edwards, Amelia Gray, Mary Hamilton, Lindsay Hunter, Jac Jemc, Jonathan Messinger, Caroline Picard, Diana Slickman, Scott Stealey, Jill Summers, Robbie Q. Telfer
Improv by: 1, 2, 3, Fag and Hag! (Seth Dodson, Kellen Alexander, John Hartman and Christina Boucher), and An Oak (Neil Dandade and Adam Schwartz)
It's ALSO a big barbeque, and all you can eat drumsticks, and veggie burgers, and fixin's, and corn-on-the-cob, and picnic sides!
Oh, and one more thing: we’re raffling off a custom-built, featherproof-themed bike, compliments of Working Bikes Cooperative.
This afternoon delight will cost $8 at the door, and for $8 you get 8 things:
1. Admission
2. A featherproof mini book
3. Readings by Chicago’s finest and Improv by Chicago’s funniest
4. Hosted bar by Red Stripe 1-3pm! Yum!
5. All the barbeque you can eat
6. Your very own Dollar Store official souvenir pin
7. A Working Bikes bike raffle ticket
8. A shot at a missed connection, and the time of your life.
Come one, come all!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Good News!
First, co-hostess Mary Hamilton has a (wow holy shit amazing) story in the new Smokelong! It also features this painting by her amazing brother, Eddie:
Smokelong Quarterly, June 25, 2009 Issue
Me and Theodore Are Trapped in the Trunk of the Car with Rags in Our Mouths and Tape Around Our Wrists and Ankles, Please Let Us Out., by Mary Louise Hamilton
Second! Mascot Toby Bengelsdorf has a book out from Another New Calligraphy!
An Implausibility of Gnus is the product of Bengelsdorf’s compulsive pick-pocketing from the coats of the American psyche. Over 30 short and shorter stories pack into the collection, each revealing sparkling tidbits of the ordinary or ordinary disclosures of the fantastical: kitchen slop and siphophores, travel and murder. Connect the dots if you care to, or just marvel at the rounded corners and think about swimming.
Numbered box of handmade cards, books, and "ketchup"
$10 (US postage paid)
Buy! (It's gorgeously designed by ANC, and it's written by Toby. What more could you want?!)
Congrats to both writers! Thanks for associating yourselves with Quickies! even though you both have no choice!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Loving Q is Easy 'Cause Q're Beautiful
Sorry for the late recap of June's Quickies, but Lindsay got all sorts of married and Mary's been helping plan the sure-to-be amazing Dollar Store Tour. June's Quickies was a doozy, kind of Lindsay's fave so far, what with the secret reader and Mary just begging to be whistled off. But first, there was:
Now how about some crowd shots (featuring a glowing/possibly radioactive Jessa Marsh)?
Thanks, crowd! Note that Quickies! is taking a sabbatical for the month of July while Mary tours the country for 2 weeks and Lindsay joins for just a few days, because she gets homesick and hates sleeping in front of people (i.e., is a loser). Join us in August for the reading featuring our contest winners!
Until then...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Punk punk a punk rocker, QUICKIES!, punk punk a punk rocker, punk punk a punk rocker
Dave Reidy
Fred Sasaki
Scott Stealey
Jac Jemc
Steve Tartaglione
and our Secret reader!
Tuesday, June 9
The Innertown Pub
Saturday, June 6, 2009
But JAC JEMC just couldn't stay, she had to break away, Well STEVE TARTAGLIONE, really has it all oh yeah, oh yeah (SECRET!)
Jac Jemc sells books in Chicago. Recent work has appeared from featherproof, ml Press, bearcreekfeed, Handsome, Bird Dog and Word Riot.
Steve Tartaglione is the elder twin, having been born four minutes before Jessica. Steve enjoys reading and writing and hopes to become a journalist someday. He writes for the Sweet Valley High newspaper and is always happy to offer advice or help to anyone.
Our secret reader doesn't actually write stories, the words assemble themselves out of fear.
Tuesday, June 9
The Innertown Pub
Friday, June 5, 2009
DAVE REIDY all hopped up and ready to go, SCOTT STEALEY ready to go now they got their surfboards, And they're going to the discotheque Au FRED SASAKI
In 2007, Charles D'Ambrosio chose Dave Reidy’s story "The Regular" as winner of the Emerging Writers Network Short Story Competition. Reidy's first book, Captive Audience, a collection of seven short stories about performers, is now available at you favorite online, chain, or independent bookseller.
Scott Stealey has a website that he updates sporadically called Please Don't. He's written for Time Out and Playboy and has a Featherproof Mini-Book.
Fred Sasaki publishes fiction, essays, and drama in MAKE, THE2NDHAND, STOP SMILING, ACM, and other places.
Tuesday, June 9
The Innertown Pub